Funny Tumblr Posts About Grant Gustin

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this meme according to my roommate

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i think that sophie and dex should do chaotic selfies in front of their wanderlings. as a treat

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Today I learned.....

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okay ava's card to sara abt oliver dying is still funny but also honestly… by the way she phrased it i would also hope u would be pissed at the dude who cheated on his girlfriend with his gf's younger sister

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echokells (Echo Kellum) Literally the best cast and crew around! So much fun with these goof balls! #Arrow #GrantsFaceMakesMeLaugh

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It explains several instances on Twitter.

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Did anyone do this yet?

Hawkeye still holds a grudge from the first movie!!

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[ID: The meme of Grant Gustin crouching over Oliver Queen's grave, smirking at the camera and giving a peace sign, the image has been edited so there is text over the grave that says "Buzzfeed Unsolved" and text over Grant Gustin that reads "Ghost Files Coming To Watcher 2022" /end ID]

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5.02 but it's (mostly) just the eddieana memes

image 1: meme of a man and woman kissing and third guy holding balloons standing behind him. the man and woman are edited to say "buck" and "eddie" and the balloon guy is edited to say "ana"

image 2: the "is this a pigeon?" meme, but the guy is edited to say "eddie", the butterfly is edited to say "admiting he doesn't love his girlfriend", and the text is edited to say "is this a healthy relationship?"

image 3: an uno card that is edited to say "break up with your girlfriend or draw 25." the second panel shows a man holding several uno cards with eddie's name edited on him.

image 4: the two strong men shaking hands meme. the left arm is edited to say "the zoo animals" and the right arm is edited to say "the helicopter". in the middle it says "being most of the promo material, but only being in the episode for, like, five minutes."

image 5: meme of grant gustin standing over his own grave. the gravestone is edited to say "eddieana" and grant gustin is edited to say "buck"

image 6: meme template of a man holding a knife to another man's throat while the man being held screams. a third guy is sitting in the background, looking unbothered. the man with the knife is edited to say "ravi calling ana [eddie's] wife", the man being held is edited to say "eddie" and the unbothered guy is edited to say "buck"

image 7: meme template of a man looking happy, followed by a panel of him looking disappointed. in the happy panel the text says "buck and eddie heart to heart" and the text in the disappointed panel says "eddie not crying in his tank top"

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[ID: The meme template of Grant Gustin throwing a peace sign in front of "Oliver Queen"'s grave, it's a behind the Scenes shot from Arrow. The tombstone is labelled "Guivres", Grant is labelled "Amelia" /end ID]

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Stephen Amell being pissed about the Grant Gustin at Oliver Queen's grave meme is….so funny he's just mad the meme is more relevant than he is

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id under cut

Grant Gustin posing and smiling in front of Oliver Queens grave meme. The grave is labeled "Purple Cloak Raven" and Grant is labeled "White Cloak Raven"

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Hey I was wondering if you showed Misha the Grant Gustin meme beforehand or if you just asked him to do that with no context because it looks like he had no idea what was happening and it made me laugh. ❤️ Thanks for sharing the pic!

I did! It all happened very fast because the photo ops move so quickly. I walked up to him, i said hi, showed him the meme on my phone and asked if he could please do this pose at john winchester's grave. He cracked a small smile and got to it immediately. We posed, i thanked him and ran out of the room in some sort of high.

I saw a tweet about another photo op where he and mark sheppard were doing duo pics and mark was being not as cooperative and he said to mark "just be a puppet!" I think that's his take on photo ops — he just moves through them quickly and does whatever the fan asks (within decency) as if he's their little doll. He's very professional; while still giving every fan a little smile.

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My fav thing that has come out of the arrowverse is that meme with grant gustin peacing out in front of Oliver's grave ๐Ÿ˜† I love that I've seen it across many fandoms. Fantastic

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funniest shit on earth is ppl photoshopping misha collins's face over grant gustin's in that grave peace sign meme

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